Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Holiday weekends are wonderful

I just love holiday weekends. I do manage to get a lot done without feeling like I've run myself ragged.

I managed to paint another wall.

It was the one with the most stuff on it. That's two down with two to go. The others should be a breeze.

It was also a good time to clean out the files and get ready for tax time.

I also went out to Linda L.s for our weaving study group. She lives out in Stagecoach which is a bit of a drive. Nancy was the only other one to show up so it was nice to just sit and talk. I took my ridge heddle loom with me. I bought some more storage bobbing from Nancy so I could clean off my spinning bobbins. It felt good to do that. Now I just need to set aside some time to ply.

Sunday we went to my nieces birthday party. She's 10 now. Gosh she's growing up so fast.

Monday I plied. I have so much that is in single form that is waiting to be yarn. I also got all the laundry done and vacuumed up the basement.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Movies, movies and movies

Over the holidays we went to two movies and had a great time. Both of these I want to see again.

The first was Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. and Jud Law. Although the theater had the sound up way too loud, the movie was a lot of fun. I want to see it again. I'll probably buy it when it comes out on DVD. We were even able to get 9 of us to the movie in time enough to sit together and with my family that's no mean feat.

The second was Avatar in 3D in an Imax theater. IMG. Amazing experience. We went to the Bay Area to visit a friend and since we were going to be there any way we thought we try to see this movie in Imax. The only show we could get into was the 9:45 one on Saturday morning. This worked out great because my friend got sick on Friday so we stayed with her Friday night, got up early went to the movie, then after headed home.

That's two first run movies in a theater. That more than I went to last year. I don't usually like going to the movies in a theater because I like being at home, where there's popcorn I don't have to spend an arm and a leg for, and there's beer, and a bathroom I don't have to wait in line for.

We also saw a bunch of new stuff on DVD. Angles and Demons, Up and Inglourious Bastards. I liked Angles and Demons and want to see it again. Up was cute. I didn't like Inglourious Bastards at all.

There are some new ones coming up I'm looking forward to. Iron Man 2 and Alice in Wonderland, 2010 just to mention a few.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New for the new year

I'm not very much of a make-up kind of gal but when my sister in law went to work for this company, Bare Escentuals, I just had to see what was new and boy do I like what I see.

I had used this product years ago when it first came out and I like the results but not enough to wear it every day. I liked the fact that it was a mineral powder that doesn't clog you pores. You can sleep in it and not wake up the next day looking like cement face. It has a SPF of 15 which makes it nice that you don't need a separate sun screen. I don't like most sun screens for the face cause they are greasy. Even the ones just for the face.

What I didn't like was the foundation color was a little off. I felt I looked a little too pinkie.
They fixed that little problem. I just love it now. It is so easy to put on. It takes seconds. I don't even look like I have anything on. Just me only better.